Marina Oliver – Writer – Dallington Hall 1720-2020

Dallington Hall 1720-2020

Cover of Dallington Hall 1720-2020

Ebook from: Smashwords Scribd

Paperback available from Lulu Lulu (colour) Amazon uk

A Short history of Dallington Hall in Northamptonshire, England, from 1720 to 2020 - its owners, residents and the village.

Dallington Hall, sometimes known as Court, or House, has been a private house, a boarding school, a convalescent home, and divided into eleven apartments.

Initially this project was intended to be a history of the house, three hundred years old in 2020, but in the way of these things it expanded to cover the village and the manor too.

As such a small village it has had a surprising amount of national importance through the owners of the manor.

For much of the time, even before this house was built, the manor of Dallington was associated with parliamentarians.

This 44 page booklet includes the following topics:-

Dallington Village and Northampton
Church - St Mary the Virgin
Hall - Description, Gardens, Park
Ownership including Raynsfords and Jekylls
Residents - School, Whitworths, Spencers, Hospitals
Conservation, Conversion
Marina Oliver Footer